W: Tony Lee
A: Dan Boultwood
As soon as I read the synopsis I knew this comic was for me. Straight away I was hooked, there was something in the writing style and the illustration that made this really stand out. This is one of those books that just clicks with you, everything about it just works so well together. The synopsis gives away a bit part of the story so I have added it at the end rather than give everything away as we like to keep things spoiler free here.
The story starts off in a lot more of a grounded way than the synopsis leads us to believe. There are hints of things as the story goes on that gives the reader a softer lead into what the overall premise is. There is a great pacing to the story that really lets you get into the story and the characters. There is some weight to this issue, with what has happened to Helen and why she has returned but there are also some great moments of humour thrown in as well with the dialogue. I really liked how the story progressed and how everything unfolded in the issue. We get a real sense of the tone of it all, there is a darkness to the whole thing given the story being told but there is more to it than that.
The art style is very stylized, the characters are very angular in design and everything has a sort of understatement in the details. It's hard to explain but I will try and add a picture of the interior art to the post. But it really did a great job of pulling me into the world that was being created in the pages, something about just took my interest.
I really enjoyed reading this first issue, and can’t wait to continue with the run. This book just clicked with me from the first page, the artwork and the writing style just won me over. The story is really interesting and I look forward to seeing how it goes from what happens in this first issue to the much bigger story mentioned in the synopsis. I would give this a 9 out of 10, great first issue and introduction to the setting.
Synopsis…Twenty years ago they murdered her – and now she’s back to even the score, as Helen, a falling Angel returns to the town she died in to extract revenge on the four men who killed her – while discovering an Angelic conspiracy that dates back to Jesus Christ. Will God allow her to gain vengeance? Or is the Angel Michael right about her true purpose?